What’s new at BWD Gardens this Spring?

Hello and Welcome!

This is a pretty exciting moment for us here at BWD Gardens, and we want to include YOU in our first e-newsletter! To quickly address why you are receiving it: you have either been a client, have expressed interest in one or more Garden Landscape services, or we casually chatted at an event. It may have been a while ago, so you might have to dig deep into the old memory banks. 😊 If you don't want to receive these emails you can absolutely unsubscribe (down at the bottom)... but we hope you stay! We will always offer something of value for you in each monthly issue: helpful tips, messages, recommendations, and probably a few laughs. This time, you'll find a helpful tip below.

We are looking forward to connecting with you each month so, if you’re as excited as we are, please read on and share with your friends.

April Vegetable Gardens:

April is one of the busiest months in the vegetable garden. Let’s get your veggie gardens ready for another fruitful year! If you didn’t get a chance to get your seeds sown last month (March), April is just as good to sow or transplant your vegetables such as; Spinach, Lettuce, Beets, Broccoli, Radishes, Swiss Chard, Tomatoes, Kale, Asparagus, Herbs, Rhubarb, Carrots and more.

Happy Gardening!

~ BWD Gardens


Celebrate Mom.