Summers Ending, Now What?

Build Project Spotlight:

The kids are back in school, but summer fun is still in full swing!

BWD has been hard at work this Summer creating and maintaining beautiful spaces to enjoy the rest of the season as we head into Fall & Winter.  Creating warm and cozy outdoor spaces that people can enjoy with family & friends was high on our priority list this Spring and Summer.

We are excited to share our most recent project that will help keep this home closer to nature more often during the colder season.  Craning in this beautiful pizza oven will definitely have this family enjoying many afternoons and nights in the comfort of their own backyard and hosting awesome pizza parties!

Fall & Winter Garden Tips

Fall Bulbs for Spring Flowers: It’s that time to start thinking about what colors and smells you’d like to enjoy come Spring 2025.  If you love a blooming garden, you’ll need to get bulbs in the ground this fall.  

Some beauties to think of for your garden; tulips, alliums, daffodils, irises, crocuses, and more.  Let us know if you’d like BWD to get bulbs planted during your September & October maintenance visit. 

Firescaping: Plan, Prevent, Protect Top 5 Maintenance Tasks:

  1. Prune and remove all dead, dying and diseased vegetation.  

  2. Sweep leaves and debris in all areas of property.  

  3. Irrigate plants to ensure leaf moisture.  

  4. Cut all non-irrigated grasses to 4 inches.  

  5. Remove flammable material and combustible ground covers at least 2 feet around the dripline of trees. 

Integrate firescaping into your landscape design and maintenance to prepare for, prevent and protect against wildfire.

Give us a call for your next Firescaping maintenance and Fall maintenance! - (510) 280-3824


Heading into March tips….


August Blossoms: Gardening & Design